Junior Floorball (old) - Junior Floorball Spring 2015 - Year 10 - Current Standings (Fixtures)

  • Position assignment between Super Heroes, Mixed Bag, Team Finland, the a team, Western Exports, Young Guns, The A Team and Pingu Crew decided via points
Super Heroes121200001104169048
  • Super Heroes vs The A Team, 22/08/2015 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Mixed Bag vs Super Heroes, 05/09/2015 5:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Super Heroes vs Young Guns, 12/09/2015 5:50PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Western Exports vs Super Heroes, 19/09/2015 4:40PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Super Heroes vs Young Guns, 17/10/2015 5:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Mixed Bag vs Super Heroes, 24/10/2015 5:50PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • the a team vs Super Heroes, 31/10/2015 5:50PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • The A Team vs Super Heroes, 07/11/2015 4:05PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Super Heroes vs Team Finland, 14/11/2015 6:25PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Western Exports vs Super Heroes, 21/11/2015 5:50PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Super Heroes vs the a team, 28/11/2015 6:25PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Super Heroes vs Mixed Bag, 05/12/2015 5:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Position assignment between Super Heroes, Mixed Bag, Team Finland, the a team, Western Exports, Young Guns, The A Team and Pingu Crew decided via points
Mixed Bag13940001376671040
  • Western Exports vs Mixed Bag, 29/08/2015 4:05PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Mixed Bag vs Super Heroes, 05/09/2015 5:15PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Mixed Bag vs The A Team, 12/09/2015 5:50PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • the a team vs Mixed Bag, 19/09/2015 4:40PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Mixed Bag vs The Fantastix, 10/10/2015 5:50PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Mixed Bag vs Western Exports, 17/10/2015 4:40PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Mixed Bag vs Super Heroes, 24/10/2015 5:50PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Mixed Bag vs The A Team, 31/10/2015 6:25PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Mixed Bag vs Pingu Crew, 07/11/2015 4:05PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Mixed Bag vs Western Exports, 14/11/2015 5:50PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • the a team vs Mixed Bag, 21/11/2015 5:15PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Mixed Bag vs Team Finland, 28/11/2015 6:25PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Super Heroes vs Mixed Bag, 05/12/2015 5:15PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Position assignment between Super Heroes, Mixed Bag, Team Finland, the a team, Western Exports, Young Guns, The A Team and Pingu Crew decided via points
Team Finland138500076688037
  • Team Finland vs The Knights, 22/08/2015 6:25PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Young Guns vs Team Finland, 29/08/2015 5:50PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Team Finland vs the a team, 05/09/2015 5:50PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Western Exports vs Team Finland, 12/09/2015 5:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Team Finland vs The A Team, 19/09/2015 5:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • the a team vs Team Finland, 17/10/2015 4:40PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Team Finland vs The A Team, 24/10/2015 6:25PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Western Exports vs Team Finland, 31/10/2015 6:25PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Team Finland vs the a team, 07/11/2015 4:40PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Super Heroes vs Team Finland, 14/11/2015 6:25PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Team Finland vs Young Guns, 21/11/2015 5:50PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Mixed Bag vs Team Finland, 28/11/2015 6:25PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Team Finland vs the a team, 05/12/2015 4:40PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Position assignment between Super Heroes, Mixed Bag, Team Finland, the a team, Western Exports, Young Guns, The A Team and Pingu Crew decided via points
the a team13760006978-9034
  • the a team vs The Boys and Trent, 22/08/2015 6:25PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Back Hand Panthers vs the a team, 29/08/2015 5:50PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Team Finland vs the a team, 05/09/2015 5:50PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • The Fantastix vs the a team, 12/09/2015 5:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • the a team vs Mixed Bag, 19/09/2015 4:40PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • the a team vs Team Finland, 17/10/2015 4:40PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • the a team vs Young Guns, 24/10/2015 6:25PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • the a team vs Super Heroes, 31/10/2015 5:50PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Team Finland vs the a team, 07/11/2015 4:40PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Pingu Crew vs the a team, 14/11/2015 5:50PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • the a team vs Mixed Bag, 21/11/2015 5:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Super Heroes vs the a team, 28/11/2015 6:25PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Team Finland vs the a team, 05/12/2015 4:40PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Position assignment between Super Heroes, Mixed Bag, Team Finland, the a team, Western Exports, Young Guns, The A Team and Pingu Crew decided via points
Western Exports145810093108-15030
  • Western Exports vs Mixed Bag, 29/08/2015 4:05PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Western Exports vs The Fantastix, 05/09/2015 6:25PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Western Exports vs Team Finland, 12/09/2015 5:15PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Western Exports vs Super Heroes, 19/09/2015 4:40PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Western Exports vs The A Team, 10/10/2015 5:50PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Mixed Bag vs Western Exports, 17/10/2015 4:40PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Pingu Crew vs Western Exports, 24/10/2015 5:50PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Western Exports vs Team Finland, 31/10/2015 6:25PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Western Exports vs Young Guns, 07/11/2015 4:40PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Mixed Bag vs Western Exports, 14/11/2015 5:50PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Western Exports vs Super Heroes, 21/11/2015 5:50PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • The A Team vs Western Exports, 28/11/2015 5:50PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Young Guns vs Western Exports, 05/12/2015 5:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Western Exports vs Wolverines, 27/08/2016 5:50PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • Position assignment between Super Heroes, Mixed Bag, Team Finland, the a team, Western Exports, Young Guns, The A Team and Pingu Crew decided via points
Young Guns1156000685711026
  • Young Guns vs Team Finland, 29/08/2015 5:50PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Young Guns vs The A Team, 05/09/2015 6:25PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Super Heroes vs Young Guns, 12/09/2015 5:50PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • The Fantastix vs Young Guns, 19/09/2015 4:05PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Super Heroes vs Young Guns, 17/10/2015 5:15PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • the a team vs Young Guns, 24/10/2015 6:25PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Pingu Crew vs Young Guns, 31/10/2015 5:50PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Western Exports vs Young Guns, 07/11/2015 4:40PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • The A Team vs Young Guns, 14/11/2015 6:25PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Team Finland vs Young Guns, 21/11/2015 5:50PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Young Guns vs Western Exports, 05/12/2015 5:15PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Position assignment between Super Heroes, Mixed Bag, Team Finland, the a team, Western Exports, Young Guns, The A Team and Pingu Crew decided via points
The A Team134900094107-13025
  • Super Heroes vs The A Team, 22/08/2015 7:00PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • The A Team vs The Fantastix, 29/08/2015 6:25PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Young Guns vs The A Team, 05/09/2015 6:25PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Mixed Bag vs The A Team, 12/09/2015 5:50PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Team Finland vs The A Team, 19/09/2015 5:15PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Western Exports vs The A Team, 10/10/2015 5:50PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Pingu Crew vs The A Team, 17/10/2015 5:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Team Finland vs The A Team, 24/10/2015 6:25PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Mixed Bag vs The A Team, 31/10/2015 6:25PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • The A Team vs Super Heroes, 07/11/2015 4:05PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • The A Team vs Young Guns, 14/11/2015 6:25PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • The A Team vs Western Exports, 28/11/2015 5:50PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • The A Team vs Pingu Crew, 05/12/2015 5:50PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Position assignment between Super Heroes, Mixed Bag, Team Finland, the a team, Western Exports, Young Guns, The A Team and Pingu Crew decided via points
Pingu Crew6150001091-8109
  • Pingu Crew vs The A Team, 17/10/2015 5:15PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Pingu Crew vs Western Exports, 24/10/2015 5:50PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Pingu Crew vs Young Guns, 31/10/2015 5:50PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Mixed Bag vs Pingu Crew, 07/11/2015 4:05PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Pingu Crew vs the a team, 14/11/2015 5:50PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • The A Team vs Pingu Crew, 05/12/2015 5:50PM
    • 1 point for Loss


Saturday 22 Aug 2015
4:05PMRevolution SportsCourt 4

The Onions
5:50PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
Back Hand Panthers
vsWestern Exports
6:25PMRevolution SportsCourt 4
Team Finland
5 - 0
The Knights
6:25PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
the a team
10 - 6
The Boys and Trent
7:00PMRevolution SportsCourt 4
Super Heroes
10 - 1
The A Team
Saturday 22 August 2015
4:05PM Revolution Sports Court 4
The Onions
5:50PM Revolution Sports Court 5
Back Hand Panthers
Western Exports
6:25PM Revolution Sports Court 4
Team Finland5
The Knights0
6:25PM Revolution Sports Court 5
the a team10
The Boys and Trent6
7:00PM Revolution Sports Court 4
Super Heroes10
The A Team1
Saturday 29 Aug 2015
4:05PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
Western Exports
5 - 10
Mixed Bag
5:50PMRevolution SportsCourt 4
Back Hand Panthers
0 - 3
the a team
5:50PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
Young Guns
7 - 2
Team Finland
6:25PMRevolution SportsCourt 4

Super Heroes
6:25PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
The A Team
5 - 3
The Fantastix
Saturday 29 August 2015
4:05PM Revolution Sports Court 5
Western Exports5
Mixed Bag10
5:50PM Revolution Sports Court 4
Back Hand Panthers0
the a team3
5:50PM Revolution Sports Court 5
Young Guns7
Team Finland2
6:25PM Revolution Sports Court 4
Super Heroes
6:25PM Revolution Sports Court 5
The A Team5
The Fantastix3
Saturday 05 Sep 2015
5:15PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
Mixed Bag
4 - 9
Super Heroes
5:50PMRevolution SportsCourt 4
Team Finland
3 - 5
the a team
6:25PMRevolution SportsCourt 4
Young Guns
8 - 4
The A Team
6:25PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
Western Exports
7 - 5
The Fantastix
Saturday 05 September 2015
5:15PM Revolution Sports Court 5
Mixed Bag4
Super Heroes9
5:50PM Revolution Sports Court 4
Team Finland3
the a team5
6:25PM Revolution Sports Court 4
Young Guns8
The A Team4
6:25PM Revolution Sports Court 5
Western Exports7
The Fantastix5
Saturday 12 Sep 2015
9:40AMRevolution SportsCourt 3

The Breakers
5:15PMRevolution SportsCourt 4
The Fantastix
5 - 8
the a team
5:15PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
Western Exports
5 - 7
Team Finland
5:50PMRevolution SportsCourt 4
Super Heroes
11 - 3
Young Guns
5:50PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
Mixed Bag
14 - 5
The A Team
Saturday 12 September 2015
9:40AM Revolution Sports Court 3
The Breakers10
5:15PM Revolution Sports Court 4
The Fantastix5
the a team8
5:15PM Revolution Sports Court 5
Western Exports5
Team Finland7
5:50PM Revolution Sports Court 4
Super Heroes11
Young Guns3
5:50PM Revolution Sports Court 5
Mixed Bag14
The A Team5
Saturday 19 Sep 2015
4:05PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
The Fantastix
0 - 15
Young Guns
4:40PMRevolution SportsCourt 4
Western Exports
2 - 10
Super Heroes
4:40PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
the a team
5 - 10
Mixed Bag
5:15PMRevolution SportsCourt 4
Team Finland
6 - 5
The A Team
Saturday 19 September 2015
4:05PM Revolution Sports Court 5
The Fantastix0
Young Guns15
4:40PM Revolution Sports Court 4
Western Exports2
Super Heroes10
4:40PM Revolution Sports Court 5
the a team5
Mixed Bag10
5:15PM Revolution Sports Court 4
Team Finland6
The A Team5
Saturday 10 Oct 2015
5:50PMRevolution SportsCourt 4
Western Exports
4 - 8
The A Team
5:50PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
Mixed Bag
8 - 1
The Fantastix
6:25PMRevolution SportsCourt 4
the a team
vsSuper Heroes
6:25PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
Team Finland
vsYoung Guns
Saturday 10 October 2015
5:50PM Revolution Sports Court 4
Western Exports4
The A Team8
5:50PM Revolution Sports Court 5
Mixed Bag8
The Fantastix1
6:25PM Revolution Sports Court 4
the a team
Super Heroes
6:25PM Revolution Sports Court 5
Team Finland
Young Guns
Saturday 17 Oct 2015
4:40PMRevolution SportsCourt 4
Mixed Bag
12 - 5
Western Exports
4:40PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
the a team
4 - 8
Team Finland
5:15PMRevolution SportsCourt 4
Pingu Crew
0 - 24
The A Team
5:15PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
Super Heroes
6 - 5
Young Guns
Saturday 17 October 2015
4:40PM Revolution Sports Court 4
Mixed Bag12
Western Exports5
4:40PM Revolution Sports Court 5
the a team4
Team Finland8
5:15PM Revolution Sports Court 4
Pingu Crew0
The A Team24
5:15PM Revolution Sports Court 5
Super Heroes6
Young Guns5
Saturday 24 Oct 2015
5:50PMRevolution SportsCourt 4
Pingu Crew
2 - 20
Western Exports
5:50PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
Mixed Bag
8 - 9
Super Heroes
6:25PMRevolution SportsCourt 4
the a team
8 - 4
Young Guns
6:25PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
Team Finland
7 - 5
The A Team
Saturday 24 October 2015
5:50PM Revolution Sports Court 4
Pingu Crew2
Western Exports20
5:50PM Revolution Sports Court 5
Mixed Bag8
Super Heroes9
6:25PM Revolution Sports Court 4
the a team8
Young Guns4
6:25PM Revolution Sports Court 5
Team Finland7
The A Team5
Saturday 31 Oct 2015
5:50PMRevolution SportsCourt 4
the a team
4 - 8
Super Heroes
5:50PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
Pingu Crew
5 - 0
Young Guns
6:25PMRevolution SportsCourt 4
Western Exports
8 - 7
Team Finland
6:25PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
Mixed Bag
14 - 4
The A Team
Saturday 31 October 2015
5:50PM Revolution Sports Court 4
the a team4
Super Heroes8
5:50PM Revolution Sports Court 5
Pingu Crew5
Young Guns0
6:25PM Revolution Sports Court 4
Western Exports8
Team Finland7
6:25PM Revolution Sports Court 5
Mixed Bag14
The A Team4
Saturday 07 Nov 2015
4:05PMRevolution SportsCourt 4
Mixed Bag
23 - 2
Pingu Crew
4:05PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
The A Team
4 - 10
Super Heroes
4:40PMRevolution SportsCourt 4
Team Finland
10 - 5
the a team
4:40PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
Western Exports
4 - 13
Young Guns
Saturday 07 November 2015
4:05PM Revolution Sports Court 4
Mixed Bag23
Pingu Crew2
4:05PM Revolution Sports Court 5
The A Team4
Super Heroes10
4:40PM Revolution Sports Court 4
Team Finland10
the a team5
4:40PM Revolution Sports Court 5
Western Exports4
Young Guns13
Saturday 14 Nov 2015
5:50PMRevolution SportsCourt 4
Pingu Crew
0 - 5
the a team
5:50PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
Mixed Bag
11 - 3
Western Exports
6:25PMRevolution SportsCourt 4
Super Heroes
6 - 1
Team Finland
6:25PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
The A Team
7 - 13
Young Guns
Saturday 14 November 2015
5:50PM Revolution Sports Court 4
Pingu Crew0
the a team5
5:50PM Revolution Sports Court 5
Mixed Bag11
Western Exports3
6:25PM Revolution Sports Court 4
Super Heroes6
Team Finland1
6:25PM Revolution Sports Court 5
The A Team7
Young Guns13
Saturday 21 Nov 2015
5:15PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
the a team
6 - 5
Mixed Bag
5:50PMRevolution SportsCourt 4
Western Exports
3 - 15
Super Heroes
5:50PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
Team Finland
5 - 0
Young Guns
Saturday 21 November 2015
5:15PM Revolution Sports Court 5
the a team6
Mixed Bag5
5:50PM Revolution Sports Court 4
Western Exports3
Super Heroes15
5:50PM Revolution Sports Court 5
Team Finland5
Young Guns0
Saturday 28 Nov 2015
5:15PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
Young Guns
vsPingu Crew
5:50PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
The A Team
3 - 17
Western Exports
6:25PMRevolution SportsCourt 4
Super Heroes
8 - 1
the a team
6:25PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
Mixed Bag
13 - 4
Team Finland
Saturday 28 November 2015
5:15PM Revolution Sports Court 5
Young Guns
Pingu Crew
5:50PM Revolution Sports Court 5
The A Team3
Western Exports17
6:25PM Revolution Sports Court 4
Super Heroes8
the a team1
6:25PM Revolution Sports Court 5
Mixed Bag13
Team Finland4
Saturday 05 Dec 2015
4:40PMRevolution SportsCourt 4
Team Finland
11 - 5
the a team
5:15PMRevolution SportsCourt 4
Super Heroes
8 - 5
Mixed Bag
5:15PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
Young Guns
0 - 5
Western Exports
5:50PMRevolution SportsCourt 4
The A Team
19 - 1
Pingu Crew
Saturday 05 December 2015
4:40PM Revolution Sports Court 4
Team Finland11
the a team5
5:15PM Revolution Sports Court 4
Super Heroes8
Mixed Bag5
5:15PM Revolution Sports Court 5
Young Guns0
Western Exports5
5:50PM Revolution Sports Court 4
The A Team19
Pingu Crew1
Saturday 27 Aug 2016
5:50PMRevolution SportsCourt 4
Western Exports
5 - 5
Saturday 27 August 2016
5:50PM Revolution Sports Court 4
Western Exports5