Senior Floorball - Spring 2023 - Division 5 - Current Standings (Fixtures)

  • Position assignment between Floorless, Ankle Assassins, Motley Crew, Floor Ballers, Unicorn, The Own Goals, Ultimate Warriors, Centipedes, Meat Warmers, The Swizel Sticks, Give Him The Stick, 50 Shades of Age, Sandstorm and Freshballers decided via points
  • Motley Crew vs Floorless, 31/07/2023 9:20PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Floor Ballers vs Floorless, 07/08/2023 8:10PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Centipedes vs Floorless, 14/08/2023 9:20PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Floorless vs Ankle Assassins, 21/08/2023 6:25PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Ultimate Warriors vs Floorless, 28/08/2023 9:55PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Floorless vs The Own Goals, 05/09/2023 7:35PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • Sandstorm vs Floorless, 11/09/2023 8:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Unicorn vs Floorless, 18/09/2023 5:50PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Give Him The Stick vs Floorless, 25/09/2023 8:10PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • 50 Shades of Age vs Floorless, 09/10/2023 9:20PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Floorless vs Freshballers, 16/10/2023 7:35PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Floorless vs The Swizel Sticks, 23/10/2023 8:10PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Floorless vs Floor Ballers, 31/10/2023 6:25PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Floorless vs Unicorn, 06/11/2023 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Floorless vs Ankle Assassins, 13/11/2023 8:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • 02/10/2023: 2 points for Bye
  • Position assignment between Floorless, Ankle Assassins, Motley Crew, Floor Ballers, Unicorn, The Own Goals, Ultimate Warriors, Centipedes, Meat Warmers, The Swizel Sticks, Give Him The Stick, 50 Shades of Age, Sandstorm and Freshballers decided via points
Ankle Assassins13850201625012041
  • Ankle Assassins vs The Swizel Sticks, 31/07/2023 8:10PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Ankle Assassins vs 50 Shades of Age, 07/08/2023 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Ankle Assassins vs Ultimate Warriors, 14/08/2023 6:25PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Floorless vs Ankle Assassins, 21/08/2023 6:25PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Ankle Assassins vs The Swizel Sticks, 28/08/2023 9:55PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Ankle Assassins vs Give Him The Stick, 11/09/2023 9:20PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Ankle Assassins vs Centipedes, 18/09/2023 6:25PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Freshballers vs Ankle Assassins, 25/09/2023 8:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Sandstorm vs Ankle Assassins, 09/10/2023 8:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Ankle Assassins vs Motley Crew, 16/10/2023 7:35PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Ankle Assassins vs Floor Ballers, 23/10/2023 5:50PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Ankle Assassins vs The Own Goals, 06/11/2023 7:35PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Floorless vs Ankle Assassins, 13/11/2023 8:45PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • 04/09/2023: 2 points for Bye
  • 02/10/2023: 2 points for Bye
  • Position assignment between Floorless, Ankle Assassins, Motley Crew, Floor Ballers, Unicorn, The Own Goals, Ultimate Warriors, Centipedes, Meat Warmers, The Swizel Sticks, Give Him The Stick, 50 Shades of Age, Sandstorm and Freshballers decided via points
Motley Crew1576210094895040
  • Motley Crew vs Floorless, 31/07/2023 9:20PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • The Swizel Sticks vs Motley Crew, 07/08/2023 7:35PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Motley Crew vs The Own Goals, 14/08/2023 5:50PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Freshballers vs Motley Crew, 21/08/2023 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Motley Crew vs Unicorn, 28/08/2023 9:20PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Motley Crew vs Sandstorm, 05/09/2023 8:45PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Ultimate Warriors vs Motley Crew, 11/09/2023 7:35PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • Motley Crew vs Meat Warmers, 18/09/2023 8:45PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Motley Crew vs 50 Shades of Age, 25/09/2023 5:50PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Motley Crew vs Floor Ballers, 09/10/2023 9:20PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • Ankle Assassins vs Motley Crew, 16/10/2023 7:35PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Meat Warmers vs Motley Crew, 23/10/2023 7:35PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • The Own Goals vs Motley Crew, 31/10/2023 8:45PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Motley Crew vs Give Him The Stick, 06/11/2023 9:20PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Motley Crew vs The Swizel Sticks, 13/11/2023 7:35PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • 02/10/2023: 2 points for Bye
  • Position assignment between Floorless, Ankle Assassins, Motley Crew, Floor Ballers, Unicorn, The Own Goals, Ultimate Warriors, Centipedes, Meat Warmers, The Swizel Sticks, Give Him The Stick, 50 Shades of Age, Sandstorm and Freshballers decided via points
Floor Ballers157711006069-9039
  • The Lost Boys vs Floor Ballers, 31/07/2023 8:45PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Floor Ballers vs Floorless, 07/08/2023 8:10PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • The Swizel Sticks vs Floor Ballers, 14/08/2023 9:20PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Floor Ballers vs The Own Goals, 21/08/2023 6:25PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Floor Ballers vs Give Him The Stick, 28/08/2023 9:20PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Floor Ballers vs Centipedes, 05/09/2023 8:10PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Floor Ballers vs 50 Shades of Age, 11/09/2023 9:20PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Freshballers vs Floor Ballers, 18/09/2023 5:50PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Unicorn vs Floor Ballers, 25/09/2023 8:45PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Motley Crew vs Floor Ballers, 09/10/2023 9:20PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • Ultimate Warriors vs Floor Ballers, 16/10/2023 8:10PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Ankle Assassins vs Floor Ballers, 23/10/2023 5:50PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Floorless vs Floor Ballers, 31/10/2023 6:25PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Floor Ballers vs Once Were Warriors, 06/11/2023 8:10PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Freshballers vs Floor Ballers, 13/11/2023 9:55PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • 02/10/2023: 2 points for Bye
  • Position assignment between Floorless, Ankle Assassins, Motley Crew, Floor Ballers, Unicorn, The Own Goals, Ultimate Warriors, Centipedes, Meat Warmers, The Swizel Sticks, Give Him The Stick, 50 Shades of Age, Sandstorm and Freshballers decided via points
  • The Own Goals vs Unicorn, 31/07/2023 6:25PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • Unicorn vs Give Him The Stick, 07/08/2023 9:20PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Sonics vs Unicorn, 14/08/2023 8:45PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • The Swizel Sticks vs Unicorn, 21/08/2023 5:50PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Motley Crew vs Unicorn, 28/08/2023 9:20PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Meat Warmers vs Unicorn, 11/09/2023 8:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Unicorn vs Floorless, 18/09/2023 5:50PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Unicorn vs Floor Ballers, 25/09/2023 8:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Unicorn vs Freshballers, 09/10/2023 9:20PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Ultimate Warriors vs Unicorn, 23/10/2023 7:35PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Unicorn vs Centipedes, 31/10/2023 7:35PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Floorless vs Unicorn, 06/11/2023 7:00PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • 02/10/2023: 2 points for Bye
  • 13/11/2023: 2 points for Bye
  • Position assignment between Floorless, Ankle Assassins, Motley Crew, Floor Ballers, Unicorn, The Own Goals, Ultimate Warriors, Centipedes, Meat Warmers, The Swizel Sticks, Give Him The Stick, 50 Shades of Age, Sandstorm and Freshballers decided via points
The Own Goals1567210073703037
  • The Own Goals vs Unicorn, 31/07/2023 6:25PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • The Own Goals vs Centipedes, 07/08/2023 8:45PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Motley Crew vs The Own Goals, 14/08/2023 5:50PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • The Own Goals vs 50 Shades of Age, 21/08/2023 5:50PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Floor Ballers vs The Own Goals, 21/08/2023 6:25PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Freshballers vs The Own Goals, 28/08/2023 9:20PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Floorless vs The Own Goals, 05/09/2023 7:35PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • The Own Goals vs The Swizel Sticks, 11/09/2023 9:20PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Sandstorm vs The Own Goals, 18/09/2023 5:50PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • The Own Goals vs Dinofloors, 02/10/2023 9:20PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • The Own Goals vs Meat Warmers, 09/10/2023 9:55PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Give Him The Stick vs The Own Goals, 16/10/2023 6:25PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • The Own Goals vs Freshballers, 23/10/2023 8:10PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • The Own Goals vs Motley Crew, 31/10/2023 8:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Ankle Assassins vs The Own Goals, 06/11/2023 7:35PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • The Own Goals vs Ultimate Warriors, 13/11/2023 9:20PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • 25/09/2023: 2 points for Bye
  • Position assignment between Floorless, Ankle Assassins, Motley Crew, Floor Ballers, Unicorn, The Own Goals, Ultimate Warriors, Centipedes, Meat Warmers, The Swizel Sticks, Give Him The Stick, 50 Shades of Age, Sandstorm and Freshballers decided via points
Ultimate Warriors12741103554015036
  • Give Him The Stick vs Ultimate Warriors, 31/07/2023 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Ankle Assassins vs Ultimate Warriors, 14/08/2023 6:25PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Centipedes vs Ultimate Warriors, 21/08/2023 8:10PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Ultimate Warriors vs Floorless, 28/08/2023 9:55PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Ultimate Warriors vs 50 Shades of Age, 05/09/2023 6:25PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Ultimate Warriors vs Motley Crew, 11/09/2023 7:35PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • The Swizel Sticks vs Ultimate Warriors, 18/09/2023 8:10PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Ultimate Warriors vs Sandstorm, 25/09/2023 6:25PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Ultimate Warriors vs Floor Ballers, 16/10/2023 8:10PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Ultimate Warriors vs Unicorn, 23/10/2023 7:35PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Freshballers vs Ultimate Warriors, 06/11/2023 8:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • The Own Goals vs Ultimate Warriors, 13/11/2023 9:20PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • 02/10/2023: 2 points for Bye
  • Tied on points with Meat Warmers
  • Position assignment between Centipedes and Meat Warmers decided via goal difference
  • The Own Goals vs Centipedes, 07/08/2023 8:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Centipedes vs Floorless, 14/08/2023 9:20PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Centipedes vs Ultimate Warriors, 21/08/2023 8:10PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Floor Ballers vs Centipedes, 05/09/2023 8:10PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Centipedes vs Freshballers, 11/09/2023 9:20PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Ankle Assassins vs Centipedes, 18/09/2023 6:25PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Centipedes vs The Swizel Sticks, 16/10/2023 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Give Him The Stick vs Centipedes, 23/10/2023 7:35PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Unicorn vs Centipedes, 31/10/2023 7:35PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Meat Warmers vs Centipedes, 06/11/2023 8:45PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Pot Shots vs Centipedes, 13/11/2023 9:20PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • 02/10/2023: 2 points for Bye
  • Tied on points with Centipedes
  • Position assignment between Centipedes and Meat Warmers decided via goal difference
Meat Warmers862021541347034
  • Meat Warmers vs Unicorn, 11/09/2023 8:45PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Motley Crew vs Meat Warmers, 18/09/2023 8:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Meat Warmers vs The Swizel Sticks, 25/09/2023 9:20PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • The Own Goals vs Meat Warmers, 09/10/2023 9:55PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Meat Warmers vs Motley Crew, 23/10/2023 7:35PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Rosalie Good-fellows vs Meat Warmers, 30/10/2023 9:55PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Meat Warmers vs Centipedes, 06/11/2023 8:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • The Lost Boys vs Meat Warmers, 13/11/2023 9:20PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • 04/09/2023: 2 points for Bye
  • 02/10/2023: 2 points for Bye
  • Position assignment between Floorless, Ankle Assassins, Motley Crew, Floor Ballers, Unicorn, The Own Goals, Ultimate Warriors, Centipedes, Meat Warmers, The Swizel Sticks, Give Him The Stick, 50 Shades of Age, Sandstorm and Freshballers decided via points
The Swizel Sticks144912006077-17031
  • Ankle Assassins vs The Swizel Sticks, 31/07/2023 8:10PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • The Swizel Sticks vs Motley Crew, 07/08/2023 7:35PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • The Swizel Sticks vs Floor Ballers, 14/08/2023 9:20PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • The Swizel Sticks vs Unicorn, 21/08/2023 5:50PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Ankle Assassins vs The Swizel Sticks, 28/08/2023 9:55PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Freshballers vs The Swizel Sticks, 05/09/2023 7:00PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • The Own Goals vs The Swizel Sticks, 11/09/2023 9:20PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • The Swizel Sticks vs Ultimate Warriors, 18/09/2023 8:10PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Meat Warmers vs The Swizel Sticks, 25/09/2023 9:20PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Give Him The Stick vs The Swizel Sticks, 09/10/2023 9:20PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Centipedes vs The Swizel Sticks, 16/10/2023 7:00PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Floorless vs The Swizel Sticks, 23/10/2023 8:10PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • The Swizel Sticks vs Give Him The Stick, 31/10/2023 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Motley Crew vs The Swizel Sticks, 13/11/2023 7:35PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • The Swizel Sticks vs Give Him The Stick, 13/11/2023 8:10PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • 02/10/2023: 2 points for Bye
  • 06/11/2023: 2 points for Bye
  • Position assignment between Floorless, Ankle Assassins, Motley Crew, Floor Ballers, Unicorn, The Own Goals, Ultimate Warriors, Centipedes, Meat Warmers, The Swizel Sticks, Give Him The Stick, 50 Shades of Age, Sandstorm and Freshballers decided via points
Give Him The Stick134811024767-20028
  • Give Him The Stick vs Ultimate Warriors, 31/07/2023 7:00PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Unicorn vs Give Him The Stick, 07/08/2023 9:20PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Floor Ballers vs Give Him The Stick, 28/08/2023 9:20PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Give Him The Stick vs M.I.A., 04/09/2023 8:10PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Ankle Assassins vs Give Him The Stick, 11/09/2023 9:20PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • 50 Shades of Age vs Give Him The Stick, 18/09/2023 8:10PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • Give Him The Stick vs Floorless, 25/09/2023 8:10PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Give Him The Stick vs The Swizel Sticks, 09/10/2023 9:20PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Give Him The Stick vs The Own Goals, 16/10/2023 6:25PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Give Him The Stick vs Centipedes, 23/10/2023 7:35PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • The Swizel Sticks vs Give Him The Stick, 31/10/2023 7:00PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Motley Crew vs Give Him The Stick, 06/11/2023 9:20PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • The Swizel Sticks vs Give Him The Stick, 13/11/2023 8:10PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • 02/10/2023: 2 points for Bye
  • Position assignment between Floorless, Ankle Assassins, Motley Crew, Floor Ballers, Unicorn, The Own Goals, Ultimate Warriors, Centipedes, Meat Warmers, The Swizel Sticks, Give Him The Stick, 50 Shades of Age, Sandstorm and Freshballers decided via points
50 Shades of Age104512043349-16027
  • Shooting Blanks vs 50 Shades of Age, 31/07/2023 9:20PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Ankle Assassins vs 50 Shades of Age, 07/08/2023 7:00PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • The Own Goals vs 50 Shades of Age, 21/08/2023 5:50PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Ultimate Warriors vs 50 Shades of Age, 05/09/2023 6:25PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Floor Ballers vs 50 Shades of Age, 11/09/2023 9:20PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • 50 Shades of Age vs Give Him The Stick, 18/09/2023 8:10PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • Motley Crew vs 50 Shades of Age, 25/09/2023 5:50PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • 50 Shades of Age vs Floorless, 09/10/2023 9:20PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Sandstorm vs 50 Shades of Age, 23/10/2023 8:10PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Freshballers vs 50 Shades of Age, 31/10/2023 8:10PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • 02/10/2023: 2 points for Bye
  • 06/11/2023: 2 points for Bye
  • Position assignment between Floorless, Ankle Assassins, Motley Crew, Floor Ballers, Unicorn, The Own Goals, Ultimate Warriors, Centipedes, Meat Warmers, The Swizel Sticks, Give Him The Stick, 50 Shades of Age, Sandstorm and Freshballers decided via points
  • Dinofloors vs Sandstorm, 31/07/2023 7:00PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Once Were Warriors vs Sandstorm, 07/08/2023 8:10PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Sandstorm vs Spud Bods, 14/08/2023 5:50PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Sandstorm vs Papa Qs, 21/08/2023 8:45PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Sandstorm vs Sonics, 28/08/2023 8:10PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Motley Crew vs Sandstorm, 05/09/2023 8:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Sandstorm vs Floorless, 11/09/2023 8:45PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Sandstorm vs The Own Goals, 18/09/2023 5:50PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Ultimate Warriors vs Sandstorm, 25/09/2023 6:25PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Sandstorm vs Ankle Assassins, 09/10/2023 8:45PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Sandstorm vs 50 Shades of Age, 23/10/2023 8:10PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • 02/10/2023: 2 points for Bye
  • Position assignment between Floorless, Ankle Assassins, Motley Crew, Floor Ballers, Unicorn, The Own Goals, Ultimate Warriors, Centipedes, Meat Warmers, The Swizel Sticks, Give Him The Stick, 50 Shades of Age, Sandstorm and Freshballers decided via points
  • Freshballers vs Motley Crew, 21/08/2023 7:00PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Freshballers vs The Own Goals, 28/08/2023 9:20PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Freshballers vs The Swizel Sticks, 05/09/2023 7:00PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • Centipedes vs Freshballers, 11/09/2023 9:20PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Freshballers vs Floor Ballers, 18/09/2023 5:50PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Freshballers vs Ankle Assassins, 25/09/2023 8:45PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Unicorn vs Freshballers, 09/10/2023 9:20PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Floorless vs Freshballers, 16/10/2023 7:35PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • The Own Goals vs Freshballers, 23/10/2023 8:10PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Freshballers vs 50 Shades of Age, 31/10/2023 8:10PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Freshballers vs Ultimate Warriors, 06/11/2023 8:45PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • Freshballers vs Floor Ballers, 13/11/2023 9:55PM
    • 1 point for Loss
  • 31/07/2023: 2 points for Bye
  • 07/08/2023: 2 points for Bye
  • 14/08/2023: 2 points for Bye
  • 02/10/2023: 2 points for Bye


Monday 31 Jul 2023
6:25PMRevolution SportsCourt 3
The Own Goals
7:00PMRevolution SportsCourt 3
Give Him The Stick
Ultimate Warriors
7:00PMShenton CollegeCourt 7
7 - 3
8:10PMRevolution SportsCourt 4
Ankle Assassins
The Swizel Sticks
8:45PMShenton CollegeCourt 7
The Lost Boys
9 - 7
Floor Ballers
9:20PMShenton CollegeCourt 6
Shooting Blanks
9 - 1
50 Shades of Age
9:20PMShenton CollegeCourt 7
Motley Crew
2 - 16
Monday 31 July 2023
6:25PM Revolution Sports Court 3
The Own Goals5
7:00PM Revolution Sports Court 3
Give Him The Stick2
Ultimate Warriors4
7:00PM Shenton College Court 7
8:10PM Revolution Sports Court 4
Ankle Assassins3
The Swizel Sticks6
8:45PM Shenton College Court 7
The Lost Boys9
Floor Ballers7
9:20PM Shenton College Court 6
Shooting Blanks9
50 Shades of Age1
9:20PM Shenton College Court 7
Motley Crew2
Bye: Freshballers
Monday 07 Aug 2023
7:00PMRevolution SportsCourt 3
Ankle Assassins
50 Shades of Age
7:35PMShenton CollegeCourt 6
The Swizel Sticks
5 - 6
Motley Crew
8:10PMShenton CollegeCourt 6
Floor Ballers
2 - 8
8:10PMJohn XXIII CollegeCourt 1
Once Were Warriors
8 - 2
8:45PMJohn XXIII CollegeCourt 1
The Own Goals
7 - 10
9:20PMJohn XXIII CollegeCourt 2
3 - 8
Give Him The Stick
Monday 07 August 2023
7:00PM Revolution Sports Court 3
Ankle Assassins9
50 Shades of Age0
7:35PM Shenton College Court 6
The Swizel Sticks5
Motley Crew6
8:10PM Shenton College Court 6
Floor Ballers2
8:10PM John XXIII College Court 1
Once Were Warriors8
8:45PM John XXIII College Court 1
The Own Goals7
9:20PM John XXIII College Court 2
Give Him The Stick8
Bye: Freshballers
Monday 14 Aug 2023
5:50PMShenton CollegeCourt 7
Motley Crew
5 - 7
The Own Goals
5:50PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
Spud Bods
6:25PMShenton CollegeCourt 7
Ankle Assassins
3 - 2
Ultimate Warriors
8:45PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
9:20PMShenton CollegeCourt 6
8 - 4
9:20PMRevolution SportsCourt 3
The Swizel Sticks
2 - 10
Floor Ballers
Monday 14 August 2023
5:50PM Shenton College Court 7
Motley Crew5
The Own Goals7
5:50PM Revolution Sports Court 5
Spud Bods5
6:25PM Shenton College Court 7
Ankle Assassins3
Ultimate Warriors2
8:45PM Revolution Sports Court 5
9:20PM Shenton College Court 6
9:20PM Revolution Sports Court 3
The Swizel Sticks2
Floor Ballers10
Bye: Freshballers
Monday 21 Aug 2023
5:50PMShenton CollegeCourt 6
The Own Goals
6 - 1
50 Shades of Age
5:50PMShenton CollegeCourt 7
The Swizel Sticks
4 - 9
6:25PMShenton CollegeCourt 6
7 - 5
Ankle Assassins
6:25PMShenton CollegeCourt 7
Floor Ballers
6 - 5
The Own Goals
7:00PMRevolution SportsCourt 3
Motley Crew
8:10PMRevolution SportsCourt 3
Ultimate Warriors
8:45PMRevolution SportsCourt 3
Papa Qs
Monday 21 August 2023
5:50PM Shenton College Court 6
The Own Goals6
50 Shades of Age1
5:50PM Shenton College Court 7
The Swizel Sticks4
6:25PM Shenton College Court 6
Ankle Assassins5
6:25PM Shenton College Court 7
Floor Ballers6
The Own Goals5
7:00PM Revolution Sports Court 3
Motley Crew13
8:10PM Revolution Sports Court 3
Ultimate Warriors4
8:45PM Revolution Sports Court 3
Papa Qs12
Monday 28 Aug 2023
8:10PMJohn XXIII CollegeCourt 1
3 - 11
9:20PMRevolution SportsCourt 3
Floor Ballers
Give Him The Stick
9:20PMRevolution SportsCourt 4
The Own Goals
9:20PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
Motley Crew
9:55PMRevolution SportsCourt 4
Ultimate Warriors
9:55PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
Ankle Assassins
The Swizel Sticks
Monday 28 August 2023
8:10PM John XXIII College Court 1
9:20PM Revolution Sports Court 3
Floor Ballers3
Give Him The Stick5
9:20PM Revolution Sports Court 4
The Own Goals4
9:20PM Revolution Sports Court 5
Motley Crew12
9:55PM Revolution Sports Court 4
Ultimate Warriors0
9:55PM Revolution Sports Court 5
Ankle Assassins6
The Swizel Sticks1
Monday 04 Sep 2023
8:10PMShenton CollegeCourt 6
Give Him The Stick
3 - 11
ByeAnkle Assassins, Meat Warmers
Monday 04 September 2023
8:10PM Shenton College Court 6
Give Him The Stick3
Bye: Ankle Assassins, Meat Warmers
Tuesday 05 Sep 2023
6:25PMRevolution SportsCourt 3
Ultimate Warriors
50 Shades of Age
7:00PMRevolution SportsCourt 3
The Swizel Sticks
7:35PMRevolution SportsCourt 3
The Own Goals
8:10PMRevolution SportsCourt 3
Floor Ballers
8:45PMRevolution SportsCourt 3
Motley Crew
Tuesday 05 September 2023
6:25PM Revolution Sports Court 3
Ultimate Warriors7
50 Shades of Age1
7:00PM Revolution Sports Court 3
The Swizel Sticks5
7:35PM Revolution Sports Court 3
The Own Goals5
8:10PM Revolution Sports Court 3
Floor Ballers4
8:45PM Revolution Sports Court 3
Motley Crew4
Monday 11 Sep 2023
7:35PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
Ultimate Warriors
Motley Crew
8:45PMJohn XXIII CollegeCourt 1
Meat Warmers
7 - 12
8:45PMJohn XXIII CollegeCourt 2
3 - 5
9:20PMJohn XXIII CollegeCourt 1
Floor Ballers
3 - 7
50 Shades of Age
9:20PMShenton CollegeCourt 6
Ankle Assassins
8 - 3
Give Him The Stick
9:20PMShenton CollegeCourt 7
The Own Goals
2 - 5
The Swizel Sticks
9:20PMJohn XXIII CollegeCourt 2
9 - 1
Monday 11 September 2023
7:35PM Revolution Sports Court 5
Ultimate Warriors6
Motley Crew6
8:45PM John XXIII College Court 1
Meat Warmers7
8:45PM John XXIII College Court 2
9:20PM John XXIII College Court 1
Floor Ballers3
50 Shades of Age7
9:20PM Shenton College Court 6
Ankle Assassins8
Give Him The Stick3
9:20PM Shenton College Court 7
The Own Goals2
The Swizel Sticks5
9:20PM John XXIII College Court 2
Monday 18 Sep 2023
5:50PMShenton CollegeCourt 6
13 - 3
5:50PMShenton CollegeCourt 7
1 - 4
Floor Ballers
5:50PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
The Own Goals
6:25PMShenton CollegeCourt 6
Ankle Assassins
9 - 4
8:10PMRevolution SportsCourt 3
The Swizel Sticks
Ultimate Warriors
8:10PMRevolution SportsCourt 4
50 Shades of Age
Give Him The Stick
8:45PMRevolution SportsCourt 3
Motley Crew
Meat Warmers
Monday 18 September 2023
5:50PM Shenton College Court 6
5:50PM Shenton College Court 7
Floor Ballers4
5:50PM Revolution Sports Court 5
The Own Goals3
6:25PM Shenton College Court 6
Ankle Assassins9
8:10PM Revolution Sports Court 3
The Swizel Sticks3
Ultimate Warriors8
8:10PM Revolution Sports Court 4
50 Shades of Age4
Give Him The Stick4
8:45PM Revolution Sports Court 3
Motley Crew3
Meat Warmers7
Monday 25 Sep 2023
5:50PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
Motley Crew
50 Shades of Age
6:25PMRevolution SportsCourt 3
Ultimate Warriors
8:10PMJohn XXIII CollegeCourt 2
Give Him The Stick
2 - 8
8:45PMJohn XXIII CollegeCourt 2
8 - 6
Floor Ballers
8:45PMRevolution SportsCourt 3
Ankle Assassins
9:20PMJohn XXIII CollegeCourt 2
Meat Warmers
6 - 5
The Swizel Sticks
ByeThe Own Goals
Monday 25 September 2023
5:50PM Revolution Sports Court 5
Motley Crew2
50 Shades of Age5
6:25PM Revolution Sports Court 3
Ultimate Warriors4
8:10PM John XXIII College Court 2
Give Him The Stick2
8:45PM John XXIII College Court 2
Floor Ballers6
8:45PM Revolution Sports Court 3
Ankle Assassins9
9:20PM John XXIII College Court 2
Meat Warmers6
The Swizel Sticks5
Bye: The Own Goals
Monday 02 Oct 2023
9:20PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
The Own Goals
ByeFloorless, Sandstorm, Centipedes, Ankle Assassins, Meat Warmers, Floor Ballers, Unicorn, Motley Crew, 50 Shades of Age, Give Him The Stick, Ultimate Warriors, The Swizel Sticks, Freshballers
Monday 02 October 2023
9:20PM Revolution Sports Court 5
The Own Goals0
Bye: Floorless, Sandstorm, Centipedes, Ankle Assassins, Meat Warmers, Floor Ballers, Unicorn, Motley Crew, 50 Shades of Age, Give Him The Stick, Ultimate Warriors, The Swizel Sticks, Freshballers
Monday 09 Oct 2023
8:45PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
Ankle Assassins
9:20PMRevolution SportsCourt 3
Give Him The Stick
The Swizel Sticks
9:20PMShenton CollegeCourt 7
11 - 7
9:20PMRevolution SportsCourt 4
Motley Crew
Floor Ballers
9:20PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
50 Shades of Age
9:55PMRevolution SportsCourt 4
The Own Goals
Meat Warmers
Monday 09 October 2023
8:45PM Revolution Sports Court 5
Ankle Assassins4
9:20PM Revolution Sports Court 3
Give Him The Stick1
The Swizel Sticks8
9:20PM Shenton College Court 7
9:20PM Revolution Sports Court 4
Motley Crew7
Floor Ballers7
9:20PM Revolution Sports Court 5
50 Shades of Age3
9:55PM Revolution Sports Court 4
The Own Goals3
Meat Warmers7
Monday 16 Oct 2023
6:25PMShenton CollegeCourt 7
Give Him The Stick
4 - 6
The Own Goals
7:00PMShenton CollegeCourt 7
5 - 4
The Swizel Sticks
7:35PMShenton CollegeCourt 6
7 - 1
7:35PMShenton CollegeCourt 7
Ankle Assassins
0 - 7
Motley Crew
8:10PMShenton CollegeCourt 6
Ultimate Warriors
5 - 3
Floor Ballers
Monday 16 October 2023
6:25PM Shenton College Court 7
Give Him The Stick4
The Own Goals6
7:00PM Shenton College Court 7
The Swizel Sticks4
7:35PM Shenton College Court 6
7:35PM Shenton College Court 7
Ankle Assassins0
Motley Crew7
8:10PM Shenton College Court 6
Ultimate Warriors5
Floor Ballers3
Monday 23 Oct 2023
5:50PMRevolution SportsCourt 3
Ankle Assassins
Floor Ballers
7:35PMShenton CollegeCourt 6
Meat Warmers
4 - 5
Motley Crew
7:35PMRevolution SportsCourt 3
Give Him The Stick
7:35PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
Ultimate Warriors
8:10PMShenton CollegeCourt 6
6 - 3
50 Shades of Age
8:10PMShenton CollegeCourt 7
The Own Goals
11 - 3
8:10PMRevolution SportsCourt 3
The Swizel Sticks
Monday 23 October 2023
5:50PM Revolution Sports Court 3
Ankle Assassins4
Floor Ballers6
7:35PM Shenton College Court 6
Meat Warmers4
Motley Crew5
7:35PM Revolution Sports Court 3
Give Him The Stick2
7:35PM Revolution Sports Court 5
Ultimate Warriors4
8:10PM Shenton College Court 6
50 Shades of Age3
8:10PM Shenton College Court 7
The Own Goals11
8:10PM Revolution Sports Court 3
The Swizel Sticks2
Monday 30 Oct 2023
9:55PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
Rosalie Good-fellows
Meat Warmers
Monday 30 October 2023
9:55PM Revolution Sports Court 5
Rosalie Good-fellows 7
Meat Warmers5
Tuesday 31 Oct 2023
6:25PMRevolution SportsCourt 3
Floor Ballers
7:00PMRevolution SportsCourt 3
The Swizel Sticks
Give Him The Stick
7:35PMRevolution SportsCourt 3
8:10PMRevolution SportsCourt 3
50 Shades of Age
8:45PMRevolution SportsCourt 3
The Own Goals
Motley Crew
Tuesday 31 October 2023
6:25PM Revolution Sports Court 3
Floor Ballers2
7:00PM Revolution Sports Court 3
The Swizel Sticks7
Give Him The Stick5
7:35PM Revolution Sports Court 3
8:10PM Revolution Sports Court 3
50 Shades of Age9
8:45PM Revolution Sports Court 3
The Own Goals11
Motley Crew6
Monday 06 Nov 2023

Division 5 Semi Final 1
7:00PMShenton CollegeCourt 6
8 - 3

Division 5 Semi Final 2
7:35PMShenton CollegeCourt 6
Ankle Assassins
2 - 1
The Own Goals
8:10PMJohn XXIII CollegeCourt 1
Floor Ballers
3 - 7
Once Were Warriors
8:45PMJohn XXIII CollegeCourt 1
1 - 7
Ultimate Warriors
8:45PMJohn XXIII CollegeCourt 2
Meat Warmers
10 - 6
9:20PMJohn XXIII CollegeCourt 1
Motley Crew
8 - 5
Give Him The Stick
Bye50 Shades of Age, The Swizel Sticks
Monday 06 November 2023
7:00PM Shenton College Court 6
Division 5 Semi Final 1
7:35PM Shenton College Court 6
Division 5 Semi Final 2
Ankle Assassins2
The Own Goals1
8:10PM John XXIII College Court 1
Floor Ballers3
Once Were Warriors7
8:45PM John XXIII College Court 1
Ultimate Warriors7
8:45PM John XXIII College Court 2
Meat Warmers10
9:20PM John XXIII College Court 1
Motley Crew8
Give Him The Stick5
Bye: 50 Shades of Age, The Swizel Sticks
Monday 13 Nov 2023
7:35PMShenton CollegeCourt 7
Motley Crew
8 - 1
The Swizel Sticks
8:10PMShenton CollegeCourt 7
The Swizel Sticks
3 - 6
Give Him The Stick

Division 5 Grand Final
8:45PMRevolution SportsCourt 4
Ankle Assassins
9:20PMJohn XXIII CollegeCourt 1
The Own Goals
2 - 4
Ultimate Warriors
9:20PMRevolution SportsCourt 3
Pot Shots
9:20PMRevolution SportsCourt 5
The Lost Boys
Meat Warmers
9:55PMRevolution SportsCourt 4
Floor Ballers
Monday 13 November 2023
7:35PM Shenton College Court 7
Motley Crew8
The Swizel Sticks1
8:10PM Shenton College Court 7
The Swizel Sticks3
Give Him The Stick6
8:45PM Revolution Sports Court 4
Division 5 Grand Final
Ankle Assassins0
9:20PM John XXIII College Court 1
The Own Goals2
Ultimate Warriors4
9:20PM Revolution Sports Court 3
Pot Shots3
9:20PM Revolution Sports Court 5
The Lost Boys9
Meat Warmers7
9:55PM Revolution Sports Court 4
Floor Ballers4
Bye: Unicorn